On the nose.
I feel like that's a greyt time to get out and start my day.
I like to go for walks in the village, come home, nap for a few minutes, wait for my thyroid medication to digest, get up, have breakfast, and then go back to bed.
Today was a bit different. I am celebrating the big 1 0 !!!
I decided I'd sleep in until 0627hrs. We went for a short walk (it was chilly and drizzling outside), came back home, went for a short snooze, got up and had my birthday breakfast. Kibble and a can of sardines! Best birthday breakfast ever!
I went for another snooze after breakfast. Later on in the afternoon, I went for a quick out. When I came back inside, Dad put down the "meat towel" for me. I went ballistic. I love the meat towel. Meat towel means.... BONES!!!!!
Given that over the past year I lost a few teeth (dental cleaning/pulled), I take my time with the bone. It used to take me about an hour, now i'm at 2.5-3 hours of chomping.
I'm waiting for my supper to be served at the moment. I had a bit too much birthday (food) cheer, that I won't be getting scrambled eggs with my supper. Dad works tomorrow, and I still protest going outside with my Nana... Best to be safe than sorry. Maybe Wednesday?
So my year in review...
I've more than settled in with the cats. I still favour Dorian over Gideon.
I had a bump on my gum line, just above my upper canine tooth on my right side. Dad brought me in for a sleepy-time dental, they poked around and a tiny foreign piece of black something came out. I also had x-rays on the stop to make sure nothing wonky was going on in there. Clean bill of health, with ONLY a cleaning. Since this cleaning, Dad has been rather religious with cleaning my teeth after I've eaten. He's been using a baby facecloth to wipe at my teeth. No chance for the plaque to build up!
My corns still bother me from time to time. Sometimes I hobble more than others. With the cooler weather I love doing zoomies.
Not much else really to write home about. Life is pretty greyt!
Here are some photos from this year:
January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

July 2016

August 2016

September 2016

October 2016 - present day (10th birthday!)
