Sunday, 27 January 2013

Friends who Roach together stay together....

F-R-I-E-N-D-S   do you really need them?  YES!

roaching with lambie
Cuddles with Frog
Arial Roach
z z z z

Friday, 25 January 2013

Inquiring Minds...

It was brought to Devin's attention that we have been slacking with my updates.  :)

Really nothing exciting has been going on with me.  The winter months have really hit here. The past few days have been rather chilly to say the least.  It's been - 38c with the wind.   Devin's been bundling me up nice and cozy when we go out for our "short" walks.

Nana has been popping by to check on me while Devin's been at work.   I still startle Nana at times with my sneaky ninja tip toe steps.  One minute I'm in on the big bed, the next I've ninja'd it down the hall. When Nana turns around from working in the kitchen, I give her a startle. Hehe

She's been giving me KONGS, those are still my favorite; well KONGS and my dried liver treats. I take them ever so gently from Nana's hand.

Last night I left Devin beautiful arts and crafts in the hallway and in the washroom.   I finally noticed that Devin's been piling up my supplies in the "supply bin" in the washroom.   Once Nana left from her visit, I had my KONGS and went to work creating a nice piece of art for Devin.  Arts and Crafts are as fun as when Nana brings over a newspaper for me to "read".

All in all, life is pretty good here with Devin. 

Photos from the past few days:

snuggle time on the couch with Devin:

Enjoying the afternoon rays from the couch:

 Thinking about taking on Chicken again:

Chicken and shredding - oh what fun!!!
just...out..of ...reach...
Jedi Mind tricks....come to meeee precious chicken....
Oh, hey!  When did you get there Devin??
Arts and Crafts:

nibbled a small hole in a roll in the "supply bin"

A little drafty on the floor, Devin put a t'shirt over top me to keep the draft off me:

 I like to do this half on half off thing with my bed:


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Tuck and Sleep

I had a mini case of the zoomies this morning when we went out for our morning walk.  Soft fluffy snow was on the ground; I had to run my toes through it!

After our morning stroll,  Devin gave me my corn treatment and put my socks on my sore feet.  I flipped and flopped on my bed until I managed to slip off with only my bum resting slightly on my bed.

Sleepy time for me,

This is how I roll.....   photos from last night and today:
I like to call this the "Tuck and Pillow Lick" - I was half sleeping here when Devin snapped the photo
z z z z
z z z z z
Slid off my bed this morning...
Pillows make excellent neck supporters

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hard snow, and that scary plastic stuff!

On our walk this morning Devin and I went to check out the ice on the outdoor rink.  We wandered around the area for a bit, then I scared the bejesus outta myself!

Picture this***

I was stepping on the hard snow
minding my own business
just sniffing around

~end tranquil scene~

when all of a sudden my rear foot dropped through the snow and hit off an empty plastic ginger ale bottle.
The bottle let off one heck of a CRUNCH, I booked it outta there like gunfire and went flying to the end of my leash.   Mr. Usain Bolt, you have nothing on me!

Devin reeled me back in and brought me over to the "scary plastic thing".Devin made the bottle go "crunch crunch", and showed me it wasn't such a scary thing at all. 

We roamed around the hard snow covered soccer field, made our way to the big rocks.  Devin stepped cautiously but not cautiously enough on the ice and went flying.  Devin best describes it as a movie, where the person falls on the ice, sliding across their back in slow motion until they finally come to a stop. 
Well lucky for Devin i was on the other end of the leash, I think I played a part in the slow motion. I stood on the hard snow, and when Devin finally came to a stop I carefully walked over to see why Devin was laying on the ground.   Silly humans.     When Devin got up, it was then noticed that I had a tiny cut on my toe from when I went down through the snow and on to the plastic bottle.

I tell ya, It comes in 3's!     Apparently David (David's Best Mate) from across the pond had a similar incident with him and his Mum.  He slipped, and David's Mum slipped too.  Nasty winter weather!

Not much else to report on in these parts.  We've been keeping a low profile for the most part.
I love my bed and couch time.

Here are a few photos of my battle toes and corns
Corn 1 (keeps falling out and coming back slightly smaller)
Corn 2 - still a work in progress

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Futon, Crate, Feet cleaning and Naps with Elly

Devin dragged me out of the house yesterday and today.  We went over to Melissa's so that Devin could use the treadmill.  While Devin hit the workout, I hit the crate, and the futon.

Elly joined me on the futon. She napped while I cleaned my legs and feet.  Gotta look pretty for the ladies!

All in all it's been a rather quiet weekend for me.  It's rumoured that Nana will be coming over to hang out for a bit while Devin is at work.  YAY!!! Nana time!!!

Back on the futon
Back in the crate
Cleaning my feet.  Elly sleeps
Cleaning my feet, Elly awake
Nap time
Squishy nose
Me and Elly :)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Nana?? I know her!!!

Nana just dropped in for a visit.  I met her at the door, she had newspaper for me. I stood there in the doorway shredding like a crazy fool.  I eventually took my shredding into the living room.

I don't think I've seen Nana in over a week. She's been real sick with that evil human flu bug that's been going around.  

I did some "training" with her.  She gave me yummy snacks for:
Lay down


I love my Nana so very much.   While Nana sat on the couch Devin administered my corn treatment.
I gave  few chomps at Chicken, as Devin kept putting it in my face.  Eventually I got up and wandered over to the couch, and curled up behind Nana.  I did miss my Nana!

Nana ignored me, which was okay, I just liked being close to her.

Nana cuddles
I'll just get comfy here... don't mind if i dooo...
what? Nana has to leave now?

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A taste for the slipper

This morning Devin and I took advantage of the warmer temperature and went for a walk around the big "old" loop.  It's been ages since we walked that way.  I sniffed, sniffed and sniffed some more.

Once back home I had to take a nap or two or three or maybe it was four.  So sleepy from the fresh air.
Devin took a few photos of me today.
Kicking my feet up. z z z z
Having a little taste of Devin's slipper
Devin thinks I look like a sabre tooth tiger
If you could read my mind.....