I have fallen behind again. My 2nd gotcha day came and went on May 10, 2013. Devin had to work nights, so I spent my time doing what I do best. Sleeping. Nana came by for a visit. :)
I went to Camp Greyhound this past weekend (Fri Sat Sun and a wee bit of Monday morning). I had a wonderful time there. I got to hang out with other grey's. I even shared a crate with Marty; whether he wanted to or not. You see, Marty was already inside the crate when I decided I wanted to lay in there too. Marty protested some, but eventually gave up and we both laid in there together.
Karen brought me to get my teeth cleaned. The ladies who clean teeth are really nice, they wanted to keep me. Devin told Karen that I had to go home with her. haha
Oh while we were waiting for Karen to pick me up and taxi me to Camp Greyhound, Devin and I went into Pet Smart and found a HUGE bed for me. Since being at home, I've taken to laying in various positions. Devin even found me laying half off the bed and questioned the purchase. I do enjoy sleeping on Blue Rabbit.
In Corn news: My two corns fell out/broke off relatively fast. I was left with big craters on both toes. However, the root didn't fall out. Devin is still plugging away at them though.
I have a tendency to lick my paws shortly after the bag balm is placed on them. Devin just threats "socks Milo". I normally knock off what I'm doing then.
Here are some photos taken over the last little while. Some are from Devin, and others were taken by Karen while I stayed at Camp Greyhound.
Cousin Parker and Me - brothers from another mother? |
Gotcha Day photos - May 10, 2013 (2nd gotcha day)
For Mother/Nana's Day we gave Nana a photo of us.
Blending in with the locals...
Protesting corn treatment. Tuck up!
I gave up with the protest. Devin got me when I went for a nap on the couch.
I look broken |
Road trip to Toronto - early morning. Devin woke me up at 0230hrs. We loaded up the truck and made our way to the big city.
Too early - must nap |
This is too early to be moving |
Where are we now?? |
Probably go back to sleep...
Where are we now?? |
*yawn* |
Yay! We made it! Curbside breakfast while we wait for Camp Greyhound Taxi
While we waited for Camp Greyhound, Devin decided it was a good time as any to give me my corn treatment.
Then we went shopping -
Loving my new HUGE bed |
Clean Teeth - before and afters |
Fun running with the other Greyhounds - photos by Karen of Camp Greyhound
Me and Marty |
Me and Marty |
After my exciting weekend at Camp Greyhound I wasted no time falling asleep in the truck.
First night back home - z z z z
After breakfast I climbed into bed with Devin. The body pillow was taken off the bed, so i didn't have my usual boundaries to keep me on the bed.
Karen told Devin told Devin of horse method. Whenever Devin does my corn treatment my head is now covered. I seldom pull my feet away when I'm covered like this.
We went over to Nana's for a visit the other day. I was kinda warm from the walk, Nana gave me ice cubes. I Love ice cubes!
"pre out" crazies