Monday, 23 September 2013

Today my Devin turned 35!

Last night, after some scratching about on my bed, Devin realized that maybe I might be a tad chilly. Out came the fuzzy blanket.   I love fuzzy bedding!

surrounded by friends and a warm fuzzy blanket

Today my birthday gifts to Devin have been:

1) sleep in until nearly 7am  - Devin woke up wondering where i was at, because i didn't do my 0530hrs wake up call.

2) walk around the village a few times today.  I am investing in Devin's health.

3) played fetch with my chicken - okay that was more about me, but we played together for a bit.

and 4)   Devin went out to pick up a few groceries for us. I made good with my time and took part in some arts and crafts. I haven't been feeling very crafty lately.  Today, I dug deep into my artistic side and decided to incorporate a new medium.  PJ BOTTOMS!!!!
Empty TP roll and PJ Bottoms. - My best work yet!

The above aside, we haven't been up to much today.  Nana came by to drop off the birthday cards and for a visit.  Devin made up my kongs and gave Nana the leftovers for me. I went to town on the bowl then spoon.

nom nom nom - pumpkin and yogurt with Nana

Since Devin adjusted my thyroid medication I've been a super sweet boy, full of energy. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy my 16-18hrs of snoozing a day but when I'm up, I'm up!  :D

I went to stay at Camp Greyhound for a few days while Devin was in Mississauga for an appointment.
Camp is fun.  I took over the crate while I was there.  After my nail clipping, I wasted no time working my way into the crate.  ahhhhh just like the old days.  comfort!

I've gotten behind on updating my blog. Rest assured that Devin hasn't fallen behind in snapping photos of me.   Here they come....
caught in the act of flinging frog around
it's getting chilly
z z z z
Lambie: hey buddy? you alright?
I was finishing up a yawn here - how rude!
nananananan bat dog!
Sometimes it takes too much effort to get my whole self up on my bed
minding my own business
no more photos, go away
on my way to camp greyhound
on my way home from camp greyhound   z z z z z
Devin got up for a moment
Devin came back and asked if i was going to share - here was my response *Streettcccccchhh* Nope!
Z z z z  - Devin thinks the neighbors must love me when i kick off the wall
The look
Can you believe that on October 2, 2013 I will be a whole 7 yrs old???

PeAce ~