On October 2, 2006 I was delivered into this wonderful world.... Tomorrow I will be a whole 7 years young on this planet.
Devin works days tomorrow, so we decided to celebrate some today. Nana came with us to the park for some sprint time.
I met new friends:
Scotty - super hairy collie
Jack - his mommy said he was more than a Heinz 57. hehe (he came to play later on. He was in the smaller dog park working on his manners)
White dog - (Can't remember his name) He kept trying to jump on my back and hind leg, how rude! I did keep him in line though and told him to stop it a few times.
I was given a super earlier bday present yesterday. It was a green stick that had the most amazing squeaker in it. I managed to chew/kill the squeaker within 2 chomps. The toy doesn't interest me so much now.
Today when we went to the park Devin gave me another early birthday present. MY VERY OWN TIRE ON A ROPE!!!! I absolutely loved the one i found in the park last year. So far its the bestestest present yet!
Devin flung the tire around for me to chase after. I fizzled out after a while and laid around on the ground.
Once Scotty and the White dog left the large dog area, Jack came in for a visit. His Mommy said that I was exactly what Jack needed. Someone to run and play with. Devin told Jack's Mommy that I was only running because I had the tire to chase about; most times I enjoy walking around doing sniffings and eating grass - MooHound.
Here are some photos from my sprinting at the park:
Here I'm playing with my new Tire Rope toy
Scotty looking on while I play with my tire rope toy |
White dog chasing Scotty. I just stood there and watched |
Tra la la |
braaaaaaake - over ran! |
Got it! |
White dog aka Rabbit -chasing after me while I run |
Taking a break -
spit bubbles :) |
Me and my new friend Jack -
Jack with a sneaky eye |
To the beach? |
making my way down to the water |
come on Nana, I wanna go in the water! :) |
Nana said she can't wait to give me my birthday gift tomorrow. I can't wait to see what it is!
I have to wait for Devin to come home from work though - phewy!
Catch you all soon,