Thursday, 2 October 2014

Happy Birthday - 8 Years young today

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Dear Miloooooo
Happy birthday to you
And many mooorrrreeeeeeee

Today is my birthday. I'm now 8 Years young.  I celebrated my day by starting off my morning with a long walk.  I came home, had breakfast, napped, was then given a raw bone to chew on.
Devin, Auntie Shelley and Nana had a few places they needed to go today, so i was given my  KONG filled with frozen yogurt while they stepped out for a few hours. I was quite content to stay at home.

When everyone arrived back I greeted them at the door with a little cry.
Auntie Shelley gave me my present.  She brought a creepy squeaky green hand. It came all the way from Florida with her.  It was wrapped into brown paper bag too!   I flung that hand around our place, chasing it and knocking it into the wall. I had 5 full minutes of pure joy, then I had to take a break. I was panting up a storm.

Later in the evening we went over to Nana's for my birthday celebration. We all put on party hats and had Dairy Queen Frozen Cake. The cake had "happy birthday Milo and Devin" written on it.
Dad made sure I only had a tiny piece; also made sure there was no chocolate in there for me to eat.
I ate my piece, licked my plate clean and then retired to the living room.

All in all, I'd have to say that I had a Greyt birthday! 
Here's to turning 8 Years Young.