Friday 15 February 2013

Photo update - Camp Greyhound was FUN!!!!

Photo recap since my last entry:

Waiting for Auntie Melissa to get ready so we could hit the road.
sniff sniff
I come too?
Huh? what? Whatcha doin' back there Melissa?
Ready :)
Car was cold - Thanks for covering me!
I'm so bored.... *blink blink*

I need one of those baby screen things. The sun was warm!
 When we arrived to in Mississauga Camp Greyhound (Karen) was waiting for us.  I stretched my grasshopper legs some with Karen, then hopped into the back of her car. 

Meanwhile - At Camp Greyhound  (photos taken by Karen)
Hanging out with my new friends - I'm in the middle
sniffings with new friend
Gonna hunt me some.... on the prowl
Shake shake shake
Devin calls me these my horn ears
Then my fun came to an end.   Karen brought me back to Devin on Tuesday.
Watching Karen drive away.  :(
Probably going to ignore you for a bit Devin...
Sleeping off my Camp Greyhound hangover
If you're not going to use the pillow Devin.....
back home - z z z z
believe it or not..this is comfy
Listening to Melissa... outside??
ear flips
Took advantage of Devin's slow moving... found my way on my bed before the second boot could be put on.
 Nana visits:   My new thing with Nana is to hang out with her while she eats.
Since coming home from Camp Greyhound I'm more interested in what's going on around me. Curious and interactive.   Camp does the soul good!
Not sure what we're both looking at...but it obviously has our attention :)
avert the eyes... working on the poor me face
stole Devin's Sea Throne of Pillows
sharing the couch
Cuddled up beside Devin (first time for everything)

 This morning I woke Devin up by finding the Seaway News paper and decided to shred.  Devin called out to Nana to see if I was given any paper or left any paper to shred.  Nana said no.   Busted.
After some shredding fun it was time to fling Frog
What newspaper??  You did that Devin!
Everywhere I turn there's a beautiful sea of pillows for me to lay with :)
Fell asleep reading the paper
Another photo of me lost in my throne of pillows
You can't see me....
If i lay real still, maybe they won't notice me here...
I've been a real good boy for Melissa and Nana.  I've even been patient and not rough with Devin.
Pill time has been a pleasure, Devin hasn't had to struggle any to get my pill into me.

I'm still sleeping off my Camp hangover.   While I was there Karen gave me a bubble bath and carding.
Devin said I smelled like grapes :)  I used to have a crazy neck thick of fur - real  fluffy (lots of hair), Karen did a wonderful job with me.  I feel much lighter!   Thank you Karen!!!

That's it for now,


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