Friday 27 December 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Santa brought me two stockings!!! One was at left at our place, and one was left at Nana's.
Dad brought the one from our house over to Nana's so we could open everything in one place.

I had such a blast digging/chewing/attacking my stocking.  Santa knows just what I like.  He wrapped my stocking gifts in brown paper and newspaper.  Weeeeeee I went to town trying to get to them.  Dad had to help me a few times as my dew claw hooked itself on my stocking. I didn't panic, i was too focused on the task at hand.

I was beyond excited with the wrapping paper / stocking events that I tried to open Nana's and Rye-Lee's stockings/gifts.  Dad redirected my attention back to my dog rope toy.  I had a few good chews on it then settled in on my bed.

Here are a few photos that were taken at Nana's on Christmas Day.
Rye-Lee watching from a safe distance
Attack of the Christmas stocking

Oh....what's in here??


 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :)


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