Friday 29 May 2015

Calm seas...

Last night I finally went outside around 8pm. I walked and walked before giving up my poop.  It wasn't a solid form, but it was formed enough to say it wasn't liquid.  YAY! for small victories!!!!

When I settled in for the night, Dad slept on and off with one ear open listening for me.  I had a great sleep!
I didn't need to go out.  I was up and moving around at about 6am.  Dad asked me if I needed to go out; i  went back to laying down and slept for a tiny while.
Dad got up and we went for our morning walk. I walked and walked and walked and walked some more.  I wasn't giving up any of my poop for anyone; truth be told, I don't think there is much in me. 
Once we got back home Dad wrote Karen an email about our uneventful walk.  At this point, no poops are good poops.

Once home, Dad put together my breakfast.  I had 1:1 chicken broth and chicken. I gobbled that up.  After an hour, of not presenting any issues Dad decided to give me some more. This time I ate 2:2 chicken broth and chicken. I think I'm liking this new cooked way of eating....

I was left alone for a few hours today while Dad ran errands in town.  Before leaving I was asked many  times if I wanted to go out.  Each time, I lifted my head and plopped it back down on my bed.  Dad was actually successful in leaving without giving me a KONG to keep my mind temporarily busy.

When he came home, there were no poop accidents to be found.  When he raised the towels he noticed that one .area was pretty wet (but it was very cold).  Unsure if it was pee or not (no smell), Dad tossed all towels into the washer and took out the carpet cleaner again.   All the while, I slept soundly on the couch.  I'm saving my energy for supper tonight.  rumour has it i get to have some kibble with the new broth/chicken meal.

Speaking of meals: Dad reached out to my chiropractor (Dr. Nat) in regards to cooked food meals.
When I was eating raw a few years back, Dr. Nat had mentioned that she feeds her dogs cooked.
Dad was trying to find some good information on a cooked diet for me.  We found some, and we will be reading more on it.  *paws crossed for yummy home cooked meals coming my way*

Here are some photos from today:
 (Oh also, Lucy my first at home Greyhound Friend sent me a photo of her. She had a bath today and was out sunning on the deck.)

Breakfast! 2:2
Enjoying every blissful mouthful
Heeeyyyy (eating an ice cube)
Filling up on ice cubes. The walk with Nana and Dad was a bit too warm
Lucy - She's 12. Isn't she beautiful? She came from GRA also :)
I stole the couch. Dad gets the IKEA chair to sit on.
Dad: For someone who didn't like the couch Milo, you do a good job at staking claim of it. xo
While piece of chicken dance through my head....
Dad cleaning again...  Zzz z

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